Financial Planning

At NPFS Advisors we take a holistic view to Financial Planning.

We do not take a product based approach. Instead, we create a full financial plan for our clients and then advise on the type of financial instruments that can help you achieve your goals.

What is Financial Planning?

Financial planning is the process of setting goals and creating a roadmap to achieve them. It involves managing your money, budgeting, saving, investing, and making informed decisions about your finances. It’s all about making sure your money works for you!

Understanding You

The first stage of the process is a no obligation meeting to discuss your personal circumstances, requirements and goals. Whether it be to retire early, plan inheritance to children or to feel confident that you are financially able to meet your life goals.

This initial meeting defining your personal goals and aspirations form the centre of everything we do. It is only when we understand these that we can offer meaningful advice.


Formulating a Plan

We use cash flow modelling to assist us with formulating your plan. This allows us to demonstrate to you in a straightforward way how your goals and requirements will look form a financial point of view.

We can run various scenarios to see how they affect your finances, whether it be bringing retirement forward, investing in tax efficeint pensions, adjusting return on savings etc.

Cash flow modelling allows us to answer questions such as:

  • Will I have enough money to retire when I want to?
  • Am I going to run out of money in later life or can I spend more now?
  • Am I going to leave behind an inheritance tax bill? Should I gift my children more now?
  • How will my savings and pensions contribute to my overall retirement income?
  • How can I take an income in the most tax-efficient way possible?
  • How can I use the proceeds from selling my business?

Implementing the Plan

The next step is to use the various financial instruments available in the market or ones you already hold to ensure you can achieve the desired goals and objectives.

We will advise on:


  • Pensions
  • Investments
  • Deposits
  • Savings plans
  • Mortgages
  • Financial protection, including term insurance, critical illness cover, income protection.
  • Cash Management

Regular Reviews

It is inevetible that financial plans and goals may change due to personal circumstances, changes in legislation and life events. We believe regular reviews are crucial to ensure your plan remains on track and is amended if required based on your circumstances.

Book a Financial Planning Consultation Now